Karl Moore’s Latest Press Releases & Books

Every week, Karl Moore, Associate Professor at McGill University's Desautels Faculty of Management, engages with world-class business leaders about their backgrounds, leadership styles, latest industry trends, and pressing business issues.

Introverts and Extroverts in the C-Suite: We are all introverts now

One of the hottest topics in leadership today is that of the Introverted Leader. Susan Cain’s 2012 New York Times best seller Quiet Revolution has brought a great deal of attention to the idea that introverts bring much to the table. This book brings academic research to the topic and focus on Introverted Leaders in the C-Suite, the senior executives in any organization. 

Based on over 750 in-depth interviews with CEOs and other C-Suite executives in North America, Europe, Asia and Africa this book brings to life the careers paths of introverted leaders, that is, how, in the Darwinian struggle to the top, they effectively proved their value, what strengths they often bring to the table, and how they manage fellow introverts, as well as extroverts.  Introverts and Extroverts in the C-Suite will also flip the tables and discuss how extroverts should effectively manage introverts and their fellow extroverts. The book finally discusses how to blend a team of introverts and extroverts for the best business results.

Dr. Moore has written on extrovert and introvert leadership for the Globe and Mail, Canada’s National Newspaper and for his Forbes blog.  He is an Associate of Susan Cain's Quiet Leadership Institute.  In 2021 his research was highlighted in the Economist’s Bartleby management column and by BBC World. They were picked in 12 languages around the world. He and McGill undergrad student Willing Li (now at Roland Burger) had an Harvard Business Review article in June 2021, Can Introverts Thrive In “Extroverted” Careers (read it here), they were delighted when Atlantic Magazine quoted it in August 2023. The Guardian, the Globe and Mail and the Financial Times covered the research in 2022. Karl has taught the material on the MBA at Stanford, Harvard, Oxford, Cambridge, HEC Paris, Duke, etc..

Generation Why: How Boomers Can Lead and Learn from Millennials and Gen Z

What sets this book apart is that it looks at Millennials from the perspective of their worldview. Most exisitng literature is largely based on survey data, rather on one or two author’s take on the topic.  Postmodern thought is the worldview which has been taught for a number of years at universities worlwide

Rather than cover Postmodern thought in all its’ richness this book focuses on four key elements of Postmodern thought which are particularly relevant on how we lead and manage Millennials. The book then follows with five short very practical chapters on how to more effectively work with Millennials.

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The Origins of Globalization

Written by Karl Moore with David Lewis.

Origins of Globalization draws widely on ancient sources and modern economic theory to detail the concept of “known world” globalization, arguing that a mixed economy – similar in many respects to our own – existed in a variety of forms throughout the ancient world. By analyzing the business practices of the ancient world – phenomena such as resource and market seeking behavior, international trade from Southern Asia, Africa to northern and western parts of Europe, Small and Medium Size Enterprises (SMEs) operating internationally and outsourcing production, multicultural workforces, tariff reduced zones, inter-regional tax issues, and the management of currency risks – the authors provide readers with a unique historical interpretation of the contemporary globalizing economy and a durable theoretical framework for future historical economic analyses.

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Strategy of Globalization

Written by Karl Moore and Louis Hebert (2008)

This major reference work contains key research articles that offer insight into the fields of strategy and globalization. Strategy of Globalization addresses strategic thinking as it has evolved over recent years and the strategic challenges and opportunities presented by globalization. Karl Moore and Louis Hébert are pre-eminent authorities in this area as they have gathered together a collection of first class conceptual and empirical papers that represent a coherent picture of the state of the field. Articles are drawn from respected journals and leading practitioner publications. Volume I: Introduces key foundational readings on strategy. Volume II: Focuses on the concept and phenomenon of globalization. Volume III: Explores how organizations have exploited the strategic opportunities created by globalization.

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The Birth of the Multinational: 2000 Years of Ancient Business History - From Ashur to Augustus

Written by Karl Moore and David Lewis (1999)

This book takes in an impressive expanse of history so far overlooked of the multinational and the world economy –from 2000 B.C. to 1 B.C. The book starts with the story of the first known multinational enterprise in the times of the Assyrian Empire and traces the history of the rise and fall of the multinational enterprise through the four great empires of the ancient world. The authors, one at at Oxford University, use the lens of the eclectic paradigm, the leading theory of international business researchers, which renders varied and highly interesting analyses and insights.

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